Friday, May 16, 2008

Before I die I have one final dream...

I apologise for the lack of updates as of late, I've had deadlines and have been in the process of securing a flat for september.
No story, structure, just photos from the last 2 weeks...

The usual scenario at NLT HQ

Sam has stayed with us a lot recently, shredding and taking care of 'bit'nizz'

Kennington beckoned...

Bossman and I got our shred/chill on, it was super hot for like the whole week...

We went to 'spoons for post-shred meals and ale

Surely wife material?

There was a table full of hot girls opposite us, so we hung around and got our sleaze on...

"Mega-babe! Shwiiing!"

Ever wondered why Bossman is always getting shit done? Parachute pants! It's the secret to his success...

If you look real close you can see a pair of sneaks I slang-hanged on our kitchen window railing

Ice-cream is a fixture meal-wise at NLT HQ now...

I sit around and read gossip-mags with 'Cruss' in the mornings, reminiscing of when Mischa Barton didn't have thigh cellulite...

This game is my favourite, you have to eat fish to progress avoiding predators until you reach the ultimate stage of becoming a blue whale...

'Baker has a Deathwish' is an NLT HQ favourite right now

This wasn't a make...

Josh came and hung out all day, it was tight

Josh took tourist post-modern photos like this all day

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