No story or themes, random photos from the last couple of weeks...
We bro'd down at the first major LSBU drinking event.

Anthony repped Fosters and Farmer caps.

Talman was randomly at 'NLT HQ'

'Bro haircuts/hairstyles/fresh 'do's'

Sam came to stay, first spot St Pauls 3

Boards got massacred, as did the steps

Serious filming time, I wasn't really feeling it. I just sat around and took photos and chain-smoked...

Jake's cake was epic

Dylan bought a bag of oranges, he wasn't concerned about vitamin C... He just wanted to rock the sweet head gear that comes free...

Tyler ruins people's lives on ebay while on mushrooms. He's kind of like an online Harold Shipman

I was mid brief changing, when then fire alarm went off in my room. I was fully naked while this alarm was blearing. Horrific...

Apparently someone in our flat set off one of the smoke alarms in the corridor... I guess the copious amount of blunt smoke triggered it...

Some prolific
Quay bro's slept on my floor

After skating Cantelowes all day, these bro's came and kept me company at work

Some wild girls came over in the middle of the night.
One of them arrived and collapsed in my room with her lady lumps on display...

St Pauls 3 again. More board devastation.

My boy Matt reps NLT so hard.

'For life'

Ben rocked this awesome Maiden vest. Ben is more gnarly than the whole of Black Sabbath

We accidently took the wrong turn on the way to partying in London bridge...

Mike lived on super noodles for an entire weekend. Apparently it's the Braunstone way etc.

Matt took a harsh-as-fuck slam at Oxford St

These bro's departed...

I ruined my whole foot skating at St Pauls...
Hopefully i'll be back on it soon.
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hot mum
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