Monday, April 28, 2008

Strange to know nothing never to be sure....

Me and Bossman went from SE1 to 'Lestargh'
Phil bought his macbook on the train we watched fully flared but it was so epic we didn't finish it in the duration of the train journey

I got back to my Mum's house and met these bro's

Talman got wasted at pool at an old village haunt

I won at pool against Cal

An awesome masculine drinking session went down

Everytime I visit my family there's awesome new graffiti on this bus-stop

I met some of these bro's at boardroom then revisted old leicester street spots and skated some new ones

Bossman and Lee Page talked about cameras and filming

Watch out for Ben Lawrence, he's going to be big in the '08. His own skate documentary... Apparently he's over blog coverage though...

Bro's showed us to these semi-stopped, still skateable blocks, they were pretty rad

Went to that street driveway near Quay, this spot is killer

Beaver was over spots, Quay or Die!

Ben was drinking suffolk cider, the bar we were at had no Guinness so I dabbled in the suffolk cider too

Met these bro's in Soarpoint

Ben was stoked on partying and hot asian girls

This bar wasn't hip hop enough for Clark

We met JB at riot, I was stoked too see John still partying... and living

A rare picture of Clark totally stoked. Dre came on I think

This club was awesome they played Bill and Ted on loop

Blake was out, he didn't know that I live in London

Leicester's party-scene MVP was reppin' parties

The girl at the cloakroom gave me my change despite me not paying her, I got £19 free! So I bought everyone shots

There were gnarly cages everywhere for bro's to trap girls in and grind on...

My old college crew were at Sophbeck!

Ben got all 'vogue' on the dancefloor

I woke up in this random room, I just woke up and broke out...

It was a hellsa tight flat, but I was too weirded out by waking up somewhere insanely random

I left, thanks to whoever let me sleep on their sofa!

It was right in the city center!

After not seeing my own bed the night before I skated Stoke the next day, on the way back Clark ended his rear light on a really obvious large post. Check Bossman's blog for the full day's events

The next day I met Bossman at Wreake. Phil blogged way more than me on Sunday check his blog on the link on the photo above for our Sunday Syston session

When we were back in SE1 these guys peer pressured me into staying awake until the early hours while they edited after having like 3 hours sleep all weekend and skating both days

I was stoked on being back and seeing this totally awesome mug Phil got from Liverpool Quays

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

God Speed the Plow...

I got my Mum 'Speed The Plow' tickets for her birthday. We went to the show on Saturday... I didn't get any photos of the actual play, security at the Old Vic has stepped it's game up

We got drinks to take in for when we saw Kevin Spacey storm the stage

Junior stayed at my crib... We partied

The next day we met Mums and Pops at the 'Sherlock Holmes' because they were staying on Northumberland Avenue

I got a pint of 'Sherlock Holmes'

After my family left, I went shredding with these bro's

We skating the small ledges at Westminster

We got beers to drink on the way to Blackfriars

We went to these banks and it wasn't a bust! Didn't bring enough wax though...

Bossman was scouting for spots. We found this marble down hill ledge, it was too gnarly

On the way back to NLT HQ we saw a random dude get arrested outside Sainsburys

I had to organise a photoshoot for my article that I'm writing for Kartel. I got the essentials prepared first...

Niall came over to model for my shoot. Thanks bro!

These bro's were the models for my shoot

Phil helped me manage the wardrobe situation...

We made Ollie try on like 10 different outfits because we couldn't get a hat that fit him right

Ollie helped out with the snaps

The photos turned out good, we finished shooting in like 20 minutes then chillaxed...

I started my new 40oz trust in memory of the 'Rubicon Trust'

We ended up watching 'Don't be a Menace...'

Next Day I met these bro's and went filming fo 'Dead Nuns'

We went Kennington beacuse me and Ollie wanted to film a trick there. This is me in filming mode...

Bossman shredded Kennington

We ended the session with 40oz and ice cream, it was hot as hell