I got my Mum 'Speed The Plow' tickets for her birthday. We went to the show on Saturday... I didn't get any photos of the actual play, security at the Old Vic has stepped it's game up

We got drinks to take in for when we saw Kevin Spacey storm the stage

Junior stayed at my crib... We partied

The next day we met Mums and Pops at the 'Sherlock Holmes' because they were staying on Northumberland Avenue

I got a pint of 'Sherlock Holmes'

After my family left, I went shredding with these bro's

We skating the small ledges at Westminster

We got beers to drink on the way to Blackfriars

We went to these banks and it wasn't a bust! Didn't bring enough wax though...

Bossman was scouting for spots. We found this marble down hill ledge, it was too gnarly

On the way back to NLT HQ we saw a random dude get arrested outside Sainsburys

I had to organise a photoshoot for my article that I'm writing for
Kartel. I got the essentials prepared first...

Niall came over to model for my shoot. Thanks bro!

These bro's were the models for my shoot

Phil helped me manage the wardrobe situation...

We made Ollie try on like 10 different outfits because we couldn't get a hat that fit him right

Ollie helped out with the snaps

The photos turned out good, we finished shooting in like 20 minutes then chillaxed...

I started my new 40oz trust in memory of the 'Rubicon Trust'

We ended up watching 'Don't be a Menace...'

Next Day I met these bro's and went filming fo 'Dead Nuns'

We went Kennington beacuse me and Ollie wanted to film a trick there. This is me in filming mode...

Bossman shredded Kennington

We ended the session with 40oz and ice cream, it was hot as hell
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